aerial photography
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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Cement plant (Canada)
Aerial view of deforestation on mountainous terrain in Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
Jungle in Borneo -- sabah_2135 (Malaysia)
Aerial view of the Amazon rainforest and a palm swamp (Peru)
Oil palm and acacia [riau_5014] (Indonesia)
Mountains in South Africa [south_africa_joburg_1073] (South Africa)
Farming plots outside of Cuzco; Peru (Peru)
Namib desert [namibia_2334] (Namibia)
Illegal logging for palm oil in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Islands of Labuan Bajo (Indonesia)
Aerial view of burning rain forest (Peru)
Burned areas in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Logging village (Indonesia)
Virgin rain forest in Imbak Canyon, Sabah (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Logged forest -- sabah_0828 (Malaysia)
Deforestation in Borneo -- sabah_2078 (Malaysia)
Logging road in Peru (Peru)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Land-clearing for oil palm (Indonesia)
Haze rising from an oil palm plantation and forest in Riau (Indonesia)
Forest reserve in an oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Highly biodiverse submontane forest of the Amazon basin (Peru)
Aerial view of rainforest in Costa Rica [costa_rica_aerial_0117] (Costa Rica)
Bow River (Canada)
Flowering trees and rainforest canopy in the Western Amazon (Peru)
Smallholder deforestation in the Amazon (Peru)
Lake Nasser seen from an airplane [egypt_1790] (Egypt)
Oil palm on peatland -- sabah_0035 (Malaysia)
Illegal clearing and burning inside Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Plane view of Amazon basin rainforest (Peru)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Australia's GBR [australia_great_barrier_reef_0435] (Australia)
Coral on Australia's Great Barrier Reef [australia_great_barrier_reef_0421] (Australia)
Pristine rainforest in Malaysian Borneo (Malaysia)
Aerial view of logging roads in Borneo (Malaysia)
Coastal forest and mangroves near Cairns [australia_fnq_1112] (Australia)
Muddy rainforest river (Suriname)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_1570 (Malaysia)
Natural forest and acacia (Indonesia)
River near Banff (Canada)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Aerial picture of large-scale forest clearing for cattle pasture in the Peruvian Amazon (Peru)
0 (Malaysia)
Pulp and paper plantation (Indonesia)
Plateau in Northern Kenya (Kenya)
Deforestation in Riau [riau_1175] (Indonesia)
Peat fire in Riau [riau_0654] (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation and natural forest [riau_0858] (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest in Malaysia -- sabah_1975 (Malaysia)
Plane view of Amazon basin rainforest (Peru)
Cleared forest inside Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Cleared forest inside Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Logging concession in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation in Costa Rica [costa_rica_aerial_0222] (Costa Rica)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_1588 (Malaysia)
Sumbawa copper-gold mine (Indonesia)
Cleared forest inside Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0704 (Malaysia)
Namibian desert (Namibia)
Reefs and islands off the coast of Sulawesi (Indonesia)
mosaic deforestation in the Peruvian Amazon (Peru)
Aerial view of flowering canopy trees (Peru)
0 (Malaysia)
Aerial view of forest near Banff (Canada)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Aerial vew of burning peatlands and forest in Indonesian Borneo [kalbar_1226] (Indonesia)
Borneo rain forest -- sabah_2010 (Malaysia)
Acacia plantation [riau_5063] (Indonesia)
Overhead view of coastal oil palm plantations along the Golfo Dulce (Costa Rica)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0360 (Malaysia)
Australia's Great Barrier Reef [australia_great_barrier_reef_0020] (Australia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_1583 (Malaysia)
Aerial view of oil palm plantations on peatlands in Sumatra [java_0023] (Indonesia)
Overhead view of the rainforest canopy in the Ucayali department of the Peruvian Amazon (Peru)
Aerial picture of a rainforest river (Peru)
Wetlands area near the Osa Peninsula [costa-rica-d_0660] (Costa Rica)
Peat lakes (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Cairns forest [australia_fnq_1060] (Australia)
Oil palm plantations in Malaysian Borneo -- borneo_2846 (Malaysia)
Islands off Bird's Head, northern New Guinea [west-papua_5026] (Indonesia)
Burning within Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation on peatland (Indonesia)
Mining trucks and equipment at the Rio Huaypetue gold mine in Peru (Peru)
Smoke rising from a forest fire in Riau (Indonesia)
Peat lakes (Indonesia)
Airplane view of rainforest in Costa Rica [costa_rica_aerial_0358] (Costa Rica)
Islands off Flores (Indonesia)
Plane view of Amazon landscape scarred by open pit gold mines (Peru)
Mosaic of cassava fields, regenerating secondary forest, and natural forest in the Amazon (Suriname)
Woodpulp plantation and rainforest (Indonesia)
Rainforest (Indonesia)
Overhead view of Amazon basin rain forest (Peru)
Rainforest damaged by fire in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Logged over forest in the Peruvian Amazon (Peru)
Overhead view of rain forest in Costa Rica [costa_rica_aerial_0120] (Costa Rica)
Plantations in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_0588 (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Deforestation for cattle ranching [peru_aerial_1366] (Peru)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Islands off Flores (Indonesia)
Flowering trees in the Amazon (Peru)
Namib sunset [namibia_2340] (Namibia)
Oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Cleared forest on the edge of Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Peat forest in Giam Siak Kecil [riau_0784] (Indonesia)
Aerial vew of cleared peatlands in Indonesia's West Kalimantan province [kalbar_1188] (Indonesia)
Peat forest in Giam Siak Kecil [riau_0748] (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_1574 (Malaysia)
Great Barrier Reef off Australia [australia_great_barrier_reef_0128] (Australia)
Railway carrying rainforest logs in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Namib sunset [namibia_2364] (Namibia)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_1756 (Malaysia)
Aerial view of oil palm plantations and rainforest in Costa Rica [costa-rica-d_0721] (Costa Rica)
Gold mine in Indonesia (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Burned areas in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Coastal forest and mangroves near Cairns [australia_fnq_1116] (Australia)
Aerial view of industrial oil palm plantations in Costa Rica [costa-rica-d_0746] (Costa Rica)
Aerial view of a remote river in the Andes-Amazon foothills (Peru)
Acacia wood fiber plantation and oil palm (Indonesia)
Ramin trees standing in a deforested wood pulp plantation (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantations in Malaysian Borneo -- borneo_2816 (Malaysia)
Acacia plantation (Indonesia)
Overhead view of rainforest in Costa Rica [costa_rica_aerial_0165] (Costa Rica)
Degraded forest near Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Degraded peatlands (Indonesia)
Desert in Namibia [namibia_0053] (Namibia)
Overhead view of deforestation along a river in the Peruvian Amazon (Peru)
Sumatran rainforest (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation [riau_5073] (Indonesia)
Clear-cutting in the Amazon [peru_aerial_1583] (Peru)
Aerial view of forest (Canada)
Mangroves cleared for agriculture on Java [kalimantan_0005] (Indonesia)
Desert in Namibia [namibia_0048] (Namibia)
Canal dug through degraded peat forest (Indonesia)
Lesser Sunda Islands (Indonesia)
Logs -- sabah_1289 (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantations in Malaysian Borneo -- borneo_2818 (Malaysia)
Deforestation in Colombia's Choco [colombia_3937] (Colombia)
Australia's Great Barrier Reef [australia_great_barrier_reef_0378] (Australia)
Hastings Reef on the GBR [australia_great_barrier_reef_0169] (Australia)
Palm oil in Costa Rica [costa_rica_aerial_0225] (Costa Rica)
Coral on Australia's Great Barrier Reef [australia_great_barrier_reef_0147] (Australia)
Rainforest in Sumatra [riau_5436] (Indonesia)
Rugged Andes (Peru)
Aerial view of forest fragments in Costa Rica [costa-rica-d_0782] (Costa Rica)
Tesso Nilo rainforest (Indonesia)
Dried peat lake (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Deforestation in Borneo -- sabah_2112 (Malaysia)
Acacia plantation (Indonesia)
Guacamayo or Lamal gold mine in Peru (Peru)
Wetlands, southern Madagascar sand forest, and rice fields (Madagascar)
Malaysian Borneo forest -- sabah_2006 (Malaysia)
Aerial photograph of gold mining damage in the Amazon rainforest (Peru)
Oil palm plantation in Riau [riau_5378] (Indonesia)
Coral on Australia's Great Barrier Reef [australia_great_barrier_reef_0070] (Australia)
Sossusvlei sand dunes [namibia_2257] (Namibia)
Namib desert [namibia_1475] (Namibia)
Coastal river in Riau (Indonesia)
Hastings Reef in Australia [australia_great_barrier_reef_0208] (Australia)
Sumatra rainforest [riau_5152] (Indonesia)
Oil palm on peatland -- sabah_0054 (Malaysia)
Deforestation in Riau [riau_1260] (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Riau [riau_5228] (Indonesia)
Logging concession in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Great Barrier Reef near Cairns [australia_great_barrier_reef_0092] (Australia)
Airplane view of the RÃÂÂÂÂo Huaypetue gold mine the Peruvian Amazon (Peru)
Stacks of rainforest timber in Indonesia (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation and natural forest (Indonesia)
Dipterocarp forest in Imbak Canyon (Malaysia)
Oil field owned by PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (Indonesia)
Old-growth rainforest in Imbak Canyon, Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Malaysian Borneo forest -- sabah_2053 (Malaysia)
Lowland peat forest (Indonesia)
Reefs off Flores (Indonesia)
Great Barrier Reef [australia_great_barrier_reef_0075] (Australia)
Dam in Costa Rica [costa_rica_aerial_0010] (Costa Rica)
Great Barrier Reef [australia_great_barrier_reef_0279] (Australia)
Acacia plantation [riau_1380] (Indonesia)
Riau rainforest [riau_0909] (Indonesia)
Overhead view of the RÃÂÂÂÂo Huaypetue gold mine the Peruvian Amazon (Peru)
Reefs and islands off the coast of Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Desert in Namibia [namibia_2106] (Namibia)
Cleared forest inside Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Burning within Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Rainforest on peatland (Indonesia)
Fire burning on an oil palm plantation -- sabah_1855 (Malaysia)
Small holder clearing for oil palm (Indonesia)
Aerial view of Kwamala village [suriname_2653] (Suriname)
Oil palm plantation in Costa Rica [costa_rica_aerial_0246] (Costa Rica)
Cleared forest inside Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Aerial view of forest near Banff (Canada)
Logging road -- sabah_1682 (Malaysia)
Peatlands destruction in Riau [riau_5350] (Indonesia)
Great Barrier Reef near Cairns [australia_great_barrier_reef_0099] (Australia)
Rugged terrain in western Peru (Peru)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
0 (Malaysia)
Looking down at Amazon basin rainforest (Peru)
Namib desert [namibia_1415] (Namibia)
Deforestation in Borneo -- sabah_2081 (Malaysia)
Islands off Komodo (Indonesia)
Flowering trees in the Amazon (Peru)
Overhead view of Amazon basin rain forest (Peru)
Acacia plantation and natural forest (Indonesia)
Logging road -- sabah_1494 (Malaysia)
Peat forest (Indonesia)
Reefs off Flores (Indonesia)
Peatland destroyed for palm oil production (Indonesia)
Forest in Malaysian Borneo -- sabah_2383 (Malaysia)
Peat lakes (Indonesia)
Clouds over the rainforest in Bima (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
0 (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Lowland peat forest (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_2456 (Malaysia)
Lowland peat forest (Indonesia)
Overhead view of new oil palm plantations in Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
Mining damage in the Amazon (Peru)
Burned peat forest (Indonesia)
Overhead view of flowering trees and rainforest canopy in the Western Amazon of Peru (Peru)
Aerial view of forest near Banff (Canada)
Coffee plantations in Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
Rainforest and agriculture (Costa Rica)
Logging concession in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Australia's Great Barrier Reef [australia_great_barrier_reef_0399] (Australia)
Peat lakes (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Riau [riau_5226] (Indonesia)
Loss of rainforest in Borneo (Malaysia)
Tesso Nilo rainforest (Indonesia)
deforestation for oil palm -- sabah_2220 (Malaysia)
Oil field owned by PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia in Riau (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation and forest in Costa Rica [costa-rica-d_0606] (Costa Rica)
False color picture of a rainforest (Indonesia)
Snow-capped mountains in the Andes (Peru)
Plane view of Amazon basin rain forest (Peru)
Islands off Bird's Head, northern New Guinea [west-papua_5039] (Indonesia)
Aerial view of a jungle river delta in New Guinea [west-papua_5020] (Indonesia)
Woodpulp plantation [riau_5186] (Indonesia)
Illegal clearing and burning inside Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Acacia and cleared peatland (Indonesia)
Rubber and oil palm (Indonesia)
Oil palm and forest (Indonesia)
Woodpulp plantation [riau_5207] (Indonesia)
Waterfalls in the lower Andes (Peru)
Aerial view of agricultural fields and villages near Urumqi in western China (China)
Australia's Great Barrier Reef [australia_great_barrier_reef_0280] (Australia)
Peatlands destruction in Riau [riau_5355] (Indonesia)
Rugged terrain in the foothills of the Andes/Amazon [peru_aerial_0126] (Peru)
Peat lakes (Indonesia)
Natural forest and acacia (Indonesia)
Flowering trees in the Amazon (Peru)
Acacia plantation in Riau [riau_0971] (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Tropical savanna near the Peru-Bolivia border [peru_aerial_1264] (Peru)
Illegal logging for palm oil in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Peat fire in Riau [riau_5317] (Indonesia)
Ramin trees standing in a deforested wood pulp plantation (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0763 (Malaysia)
Palm oil in Costa Rica [costa_rica_aerial_0193] (Costa Rica)
Peat forest conversion for oil palm [riau_1153] (Indonesia)
Deforestation for cattle ranching [peru_aerial_1381] (Peru)
Haze rising from an oil palm plantation and forest in Riau (Indonesia)
Namibian desert [namibia_0715] (Namibia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_1540 (Malaysia)
Gold mining ponds [suriname_1840a] (Suriname)
Oil palm plantation in Costa Rica [costa_rica_aerial_0182] (Costa Rica)
Jungle rubber forest clearing in Riau (Indonesia)
Namib desert [namibia_1488] (Namibia)
Forest clearing in Riau [riau_5450] (Indonesia)
Haze rising from an oil palm plantation and forest in Riau (Indonesia)
Mine waste-laden stream flowing into a rainforest river in Peru (Peru)
Rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Islands off Komodo (Indonesia)
Wood fiber plantation (Indonesia)
Namib sunset [namibia_2358] (Namibia)
Amazon tributary in the Peruvian lowlands (Peru)
Dried peat lake (Indonesia)
deforestation for oil palm -- sabah_1675 (Malaysia)
Acacia and degraded peat forest (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation in Riau [riau_0961] (Indonesia)
Aerial photo of flowering trees in the canopy of the lowland Amazon rainforest (Peru)
Forest and tree crops -- sabah_1657 (Malaysia)
Airplane view of rainforest in Costa Rica [costa_rica_aerial_0270] (Costa Rica)
Fire burning on an oil palm plantation -- sabah_1860 (Malaysia)
Acacia wood fiber plantation and oil palm (Indonesia)
0 (Indonesia)
Deforestation, oil palm, forest, and wetlands in Costa Rica [costa-rica-d_0255] (Costa Rica)
Deforestation for agriculture surrounding road in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest (Peru)
Namibian desert [namibia_0697] (Namibia)
Oil palm plantations in Malaysian Borneo -- borneo_2856 (Malaysia)
Destroyed peatlands (Indonesia)
Hastings Reef in Australia [australia_great_barrier_reef_0256] (Australia)